No brick veneer here.
Besides the controversy over the drainage system at townhouse development on Hume and 6th Av. called Schoene Ansicht, a series of February 2 e-mails between concerned association members and Metro Planning show that property owners and real estate investors at UP, LLC failed to follow the original Metro Council-approved site plan. An official with Metro Planning's Land Development and Design Division commented:
The approved site plan for the project shows a "6-foot brick veneer wall." The elevations that were approved as part of the Council ordinance only mention brick in relation to the foundation: "Brick veneer at exposed foundations."As the picture clearly shows above, the foundation wall is made not of brick veneer, but of rusticated concrete block. I do not know if the former is more expensive than the latter, but from my lay perspective, the brick veneer would seem more labor intensive, and thus more expensive, than the blocks. However, I could be wrong.
The Planning Official goes on to say in a second e-mail sent on February 2 that UP, LLC is bound by the original elevations as approved by Metro Council, and that the Planning Department would be sending an inspector out. Anything found not to be in compliance with the approved plans will either have to be changed or UP, LLC will have to request a revision formally from Planning.
In a third February 2 e-mail, the Planning Official writes that, in the event of requests for significant revisions, property owners within 600 feet of the development must be notified. Schoene Ansicht owners would have to submit a formal application, which would be scheduled for a Planning Commission Meeting 6 weeks after the application is filed. I doubt that UP, LLC will be coming back to Salemtown Neighbors Neighborhood Association for support should they have to apply for these changes. But I will be keeping you posted on developments, including any time and date for a Planning Commission Meeting that involves deviation from the Council-approved plans.
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