
Monday, April 25, 2005

And Yet Spurned By News2: One Among The Unaggregated Majority

There was a time, friends, when yours truly would get phone calls from Neil Orne asking for an interview about Enclave with wooing words like, "Yours is the kind of blog that epitomizes the local citizen journalism that we want to cover at WKRN." Oh, yes, friends, not too long ago, Enclave was too hot to trot for the real journalists at Channel 2 who lately cannot seem to get enough of "citizen journalists."

Their thirst for bloggers is unslakeable. So, they recently retained a local blogger to run their slick new "Nashville Is Talking" site (I've dubbed it "NIT" for short; I like the Monty Python sound of that dub), which aggregates and blogrolls local and state blogs so that WKRN viewers can check out what important things those of us tied to a keyboard have to say about current events.

Alas, friends, Enclave seems to have fallen out of favor over at Channel 2. Neil stopped calling. And the station's professional blogger, while putting us on the NIT blogroll, has left us among the unaggregated horde.

Oh, well, always a bridesmaid and never a bride. We'll just have to be forever wallflowers here. Just one among the many, taking comfort in flying low, off-radar.

04/26/2005 Update: Brittney, the newly hired charge of WKRN's blog, left a link to NIT in the comments field that explains Enclave's omission from the aggregator. Wasn't trying to lobby, else I would have sent e-mails hourly to Brittney's box. But I will have to cancel my plans to arrange to have the old water tower at the Werthan Lofts painted with the words, "Aggregate Enclave!" (à la "Save Ferris!"). Thanks, Brittney.


  1. Huh. I haven't even gotten to meet Neil Orne yet.


  2. Neil Orne, meet Brittney, WKRN's new blogger. Brittney, meet Neil Orne, WKRN's longtime anchor.

    Actually, Neil, the way I remember it was a rushed message left on my cell phone (not quite as direct as the home phone, especially since the cell battery had been dead for a couple of days before I got the message) that you had picked up a camera and wanted to do the interview right then and there. I didn't need a lot of lead time, but I do have a toddler who does need a little, so expecting an instant turnaround was perhaps unrealistic, even if the call got through in the first place.

    But upon receiving your voice mail a couple of days after the fact, I returned the call, but I was given no option to leave a message. So, I just figured that if you wanted to follow up to re-schedule, you would have.

    As far as re-scheduling now goes, we have got an immediate relative who is in hospice and whom we do not expect to survive the week. This is not a good time, but I'll e-mail you when I do have some spare time.

  3. Any Nashville blogger is welcome to add their blog to Just click on the "Add your blog" link above the latest blog posts or go directly here.

  4. Sorry brother, I can't feel your pain - I can't even get mine listed.
