
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

They May Show Up At Your Door On Saturday, But Southern Baptists Are Not The Only Baptists.

As the Southern Baptists convene in Nashville next week they will no doubt get a lot of positive press around these parts. But as you see them go door-to-door on Saturday, June 18 in order to solicit neighborhoods for new members, don't let their high visibility fool you. Keep in mind that there are other Baptists different than those in attendance at next weeks convention.

For example, the Associated Baptist Press (not connected to the SBC) reports today that it has teamed up with other agencies, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (Southern Baptist moderates who fund ministries that the fundamentalist SBC will not) to provide Baptist churches with educational tools that celebrate First Amendment freedoms without binding themselves to "civil religion or misdirected patriotism."

I assume that means without binding themselves to certain party candidates, too.

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