
Monday, October 17, 2005

Spring Hill Has Become Dystopia

Looks like the Sunday-Sabbath Christians are lording it over everybody else in Spring Hill. It's not enough that the Spring Hill Taliban are not being very biblical (the Bible puts Sabbath on Saturday), but they are also making home repair projects on Sundays illegal because they think everybody should be coerced to worship their Sunday-Sabbath god.

That's produced a real quandary down in suburbia. Wouldn't it be interesting if the Aldermen passed an exception for non-commercial construction? Is it really biblical to require commercial construction to rest on Sunday, but to allow families to toil on construction projects on their homes to heart's content? More importantly, is it legal? I smell grounds for a lawsuit.

Either way, it looks like there is a totally different price to pay in Dystopia in exchange for owing no property taxes.

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