
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Support This 6th Avenue Zoning Change Request

The Metro Planning Department sent out notice of a zoning public hearing for a request made by property owners Ron McClaron, Arthur Yokley, Bradley Williams, Brian Courtney, and Moss Investment Partners to change zoning of 5 properties lying on the west side of 6th Avenue just south of Garfield St. (1623, 1627, 1631, 1633, and 1635) from R6 zoning to MUN zoning. R6 zoning is intended for single-family dwellings and duplexes. MUN zoning is "Mixed Used Neighborhood," and is intended for a low intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses.

As I have said before, MUN is the more restrictive zoning that requires that buildings come up to the sidewalk and that all parking be in back off of the alley. As such, it is more consistent with the urban and pedestrian character of the North End neighborhoods. It's great to see owners and developers pursuing more restrictive rather than less restrictive zoning. If you dropped by the Salemtown Neighbors booth at Oktoberfest, then you probably saw the attractive preliminary drawings for this development, which is to be called "Salemtown Gardens." So, I think this zoning change request is worthy of support. Residents need to encourage these kinds of new builds.

The public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the Howard Office Building Auditorium on 700 2nd Ave., South. The Metro Council makes the final decision to approve or disapprove this request based on Commission recommendations.

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