
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Birthday, Enclave!

Enclave: Nashville North-by-Northwest is a year old today. Over the last 365 days it generated 675 posts, including a lot of original news that probably wouldn't have otherwise seen the light of day.

Enclave has registered 35,000 page loads and 20,000 unique visitors since I started keeping stats last February. Its growth has been progressive: during the first half of the past year, it averaged 42 page loads and 28 unique visitors a day; during the second half, daily averages triped to 128 page loads and 84 unique visitors. Enclave only earns me about 5 cents a day from readers' clicks of its unobtrusive ads, but I didn't start it as a capital enterprise, so I don't measure success by cash flow. I'm much more pleased by the increasing number of people reading and returning to Enclave. I was also pleased to see Enclave nominated for an award, featured on a local newscast, and linked by several other prominent sources.

I intend to take the next couple of days off from writing to re-evaluate and decide whether to keep going or to close Enclave down. As rewarding as it has been, it is also time-consuming and attention-intensive, and I have other projects in my life. So, thanks for checking Enclave out and making this such a success by my standards. And, unless something hugely newsworthy happens between now and then, I'll see you in a couple of days.