
Monday, February 27, 2006

Progressive Legislative Action Network (PLAN) Hones In On States

A couple of weeks ago, PLAN launched its website in order to track legislation at the state level and to invite progressives who attend to and write about state politics to join. Their primary intention is to coordinate and organize weblogs and writers state-by-state to promote a progressive agenda on behalf of working families against the corporate interests that seem to dominate legislative and executive branches in state government. Their website includes their own weblog with a blogroll of weblogs from the 50 states. I added their links to Enclave's generally unchanging right-column boxes.

So, I signed on to their effort. I am a bit surprised to see that Enclave remains the only Tennessee weblog listed on their roll, because surely we have other progressives interested enough in Tennessee public policy to contact PLAN and add their blog to PLAN's growing list. (I did see that Forward With Ford is trying this week to get itself added to PLAN's blogroll). Check PLAN out.

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