
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ginny Welsch Campaign Kickoff


Thursday August 10
The 5-Spot
1006 Forrest Avenue
(in the heart of Five Points)
Free Food, Music and Fun On The Trail


  1. Since you first endorsed Ginny, I have been trying to find out her position on Immigration Reform, Abortion Rights, Tort Reform, Gay Marriage, and Taxes. Any chance she will be addressing these issues at the kickoff meeting?

  2. Ginny tells me that she will be publishing position papers on those issues on her website in the not-too-distant future.

  3. Sounds like she is a bit overwhelmed by the whole campaign.

  4. I prefer to let the candidate speak for herself with her own adjective on that score. That particular adjective was claimed by another, so you've re-opened old wounds for her campaign.

  5. Which is more likely

    1) Ginny doesnt have a position on these hot button issues and needs additional time to develop a stance. Pretty shcoking for someone seeking this office.

    2) Ginny has a position but is reluctant to share with voters since it may be unpopular and she prefers not to address these issues prior to the election. This would be very calculating from a political standpoint.

    3) Ginny has a position but hasnt been organized enough to publish an opinion / FAQ / whatever. In which case she is just another neophyte who isnt qualified.

    My guess is a combination of 1) and 2) which is disappointing since I was hoping we would finally have a Democrat saying what they believe, without market research, spin, and all the other political b.s.

  6. Anonymous, have you been to Ms. Welsch's website? I've just spent some time reading there, and discovered several position papers in the "Issues" section - however, if you're just looking for "hot button" topic headings, you'll be disappointed. Her position on abortion rights, for example, can be found under "Civil Liberties."

    Thanks, Mike, for bringing Ginny Welsch to my attention. I'm thrilled to have another alternative!

  7. to ex-tvwriter, yes I have been to her website, and I have written to her repeatedly, and have yet to find answers. Her staff member response was that she was really busy and hadnt had a chance to get around to them yet.

    If this is how a campaign is managed, what would she be like in a congressional office?
