
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Middle Tennessee Congress Member Intends to Outlaw Divorce, Corrected and Updated

Republican Democratic (see correction and comment section below) Congress member Lincoln Davis, whose district includes part of Williamson County, encouraged the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday to outlaw divorce and to make adultery a felony. In addition, he maintained that those who commit adultery or get a divorce should be barred from running for public office. Here's the video via Think Progress.

CORRECTION: I misnamed Lincoln Davis as a Republican above. Commenter below also says that the speech was a serious jab at the Marriage Amendment, a point which did not come across to me.

07/19/2006, 2:25 p.m. Update: R. Neal at KnoxViews is also reporting Davis's speech as inductive sarcasm à la Stephen Colbert, but if you read down into the comments, you'll find that there are still questions as to whether Davis is underscoring the farce and inconsistency of the Marriage Amendment or whether he is serious about outlawing divorce, given his vote for the Marriage Amendment and his high rating with the Family Research Council.


  1. Hey Mike,

    Linc Davis is a Democrat, not a Republican. And the speech he gave wasnt intended to be taken at face value, rather as a shot at the logic behind the "defense of marriage" amendment.

    Either someone hacked your site, or this one just blew past you bud.
