
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lame Councilmanic Quote of the Week

I detest all this junk on the telephone: "Press one if you want English. Press two if you want Spanish. Press three if you want Russian," and all that rigmarole.

- - J. B. Loring on why he will vote English-only at Council tonight

So, why not just pass a law against automated phone messages?


  1. When people say that it illustrates to me how very little they are personally affected by governmental services being offered in languages other than English.

  2. JB Loring is an old man bought by Gaylord to do their dirty work. He has never represented his constituents and is an embarassment to all of Donelson. His next trick for Gaylord, rezone 105 acres for them to move the Opry House across Briley Parkway, then tear down the present Opry House. In this new space they will expand the hotel, get the state law change and hook up the casino wires installed when the hotel was built. JB Loring neither protects nor respects the citizens he was elected to represent. I hope Nashville has sense enough to fight any more of this Gaylord mess.No casino here Mr. Loring.
