
Sunday, November 12, 2006

WKRN Reporter Editorializes That AU Intends to Separate Christians from "Government and Culture"

Originally published at Free Tennessee:

In a post on his News 2 website, WKRN Reporter Jamey Tucker referred to an impending announcement from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State to sue Veterans Affairs in order to force them to recognize the Wiccan faith symbol on soldiers' headstones.

Tucker also editorialized:

I submit that this group [AU] is not specifically "for the separation of church and state" but rather their true intentions are to separate Christians from the United States government and culture. Why else would they sue the government to INCLUDE RELIGION?

Might Jamey Tucker's personal beliefs about AU (and the Christians whom he sees as victimized by AU) bias his reporting?  We shall see.

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