
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Compare and Contrast: English Only

"The opposition is full of demagoguery and lies,” [English Only Sponsor Eric Crafton] said. “All we’re talking about is routine governmental business, and if people are here and they’re here legally and they’re starting a business or they’re getting a marriage certificate or they’re doing business in front of the council, it’s supposed to be done in English.”
- - Bill Harless conveying Eric Crafton's defense of English Only in this morning's City Paper

Crafton also said the bill has nothing to do with illegal immigration and that its purpose is simply to reinforce English as the traditional language of our government.
- - Bill Harless conveying Eric Crafton's defense of English Only in the December 5, 2006 City Paper
If I can see and underscore the inconsistency, why can't the City Paper? Because they've got a dog in the fight?

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