
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

More "English Only" Monkey Business: What Happened to Crafton's "Community Education" Amendment?

Back in December when he moved to defer his English Only Bill until this week, Eric Crafton said that he hoped to use that time to work with another Council Member to "craft" an amendment that would "lessen some of the divisiveness," including involving more "community education like the Cohn Adult Learning Center." He argued that if debate was cut off by the Council by a tabling motion introduced by Jim Shulman, then he would not have the chance to "help heal" the divisive situation. Video trail lies at the end of the jump (slide video counter to 13:30 to go to Crafton's comments).

The resolution that passed third reading last night has no such amendment. Does anybody seriously believe that Eric Crafton ever had any intention of including such an amendment and "healing the divisive situation" or was this just a grand-standing, stalling tactic because he could not muster 21 votes in December? (Shulman's motion to table Crafton's deferral and to vote on English Only in December failed 14-19).

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