
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Development Controversy Hits Pages of the Tennessean

People just need to give me the chance to tell them what's going on and not just believe what they read in a neighborhood blog.

So, don't believe those Schoene Ansicht mudslide pictures from 5th and Hume that Enclave published this morning. S-townMike could have just photoshopped the muddy mess into a picture of a clean intersection. Don't believe what you see here. Go see the intersection with your own eyes and judge for yourself. Stand around the intersection after it all dries and let the dust blow up and sting your own eyes.

On the subject of believing what you read: I agree that you shouldn't believe everything you read, just like I shouldn't have believed Steve Yokley when he e-mailed me saying that the Schoene Ansicht run-off would connect to sewers underground. Wait, didn't he just ask for a chance in the Tennessean? It sure sounded like a chance when he e-mailed me. In fact, these investors have had countless chances to work with neighbors on design issues, but as one commenter put it in a previous post, they keep shooting themselves in the proverbial foot.

There's nothing I would like more than not to have to blog about questionable investment and construction practices in the North End. As I told these investors face-to-face the other night, I shouldn't have to blog on it. They should be doing the right thing.

But, the Tennessean reporter of yesterday's story--which also promoted Steve Yokley and Taurus McCain's Salemtown developments with some free right-column advertising--paid attention to the controversy after reading about it on Enclave. And nobody outside of the six people who were there would have known about a UP, LLC investor physically threatening the President of Salemtown Neighbors had I not blogged on it yesterday. So, go ahead and give Steve and Taurus more chances than they have been given already and more than they deserve, but just remember that there are other sides that don't get public mention short of a neighborhood blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, kind of interesting that even though the Tennessean obviously heard about the controversy from your blog, the writer didn't even mention the fact that you've been covering the issue for months now. The Tennessean is gaining quite a reputation for reporting on stuff they find on websites without giving credit where credit is due (this happened with info at urbanplanet a few months ago...)
