
Monday, March 26, 2007

Metro Council Dates Set for Votes/Public Hearing on 6th and Garfield Re-zoning

Metro Council's first reading (of three) of the Planning Commission's recommendation to re-zone 3 of 5 properties at 6th and Garfield for single-family homes is set for Tuesday, April 3. The Public Hearing on the recommendation is set for Tuesday, May 1, in tandem with the second reading.

It behooves all of us who support this recommendation to contact our Council Members before next week and communicate that support. Please mark your calendars now and save the evening of May 1 to attend the Public Hearing and to speak in support of the Planning Commission.

We should get an early indication during the first reading of how that recommendation will fly. Most bills that come up for first reading are placed on a "consent agenda" and passed as a group. The real debating is saved for second reading. Council Members may pull first-reading bills from the "consent agenda" if they desire to debate them on first reading, which has happened.

If the Planning recommendation gets pulled rather than passed on consent, then that is a red flag that it may lack support, especially if the one pulling it is our own Council Member, who may be championing the Duplex Kings. It then has to be debated and passed, defeated or deferred on its own. If it passes, it moves to the May 1 Public Hearing/second reading.

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