
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Only Third Reading Stands between Core and Werthan-Proximate Development

Core Development's re-zoning proposal for the mixed-use development on 8th Avenue across Hume Street from Werthan Lofts came out the other side of last night's Public Hearing unscathed and it passed Council's second reading. Looks like it is in the bag.


  1. Ha! Werthan makes bags, its "in the bag".'m easily amused.

  2. I was wondering if anybody would catch that. You win the prize, which is free dinner on hutchmo at Knuck's place. (I kid hutchmo; it's just that he gives away free meals like they were going out of style).

  3. I'm wondering if anyone knows the hieghts of the various parts of this project. Also who is the architect?

  4. The tallest section will be mixed-use and it will be 5 stories. The middle section will be 3 tories. And the lowest section will be 2 stories. DAAD is the architect.
