
Monday, April 09, 2007

Commenter Paddles Some ACK Behind

In his diatribe not against the vices of DUIs and double murders but against illegal immigration, WKRN's political blogger, A.C. Kleinheider, blames Gilberto Reyes Garcia's intoxicated killing of two people on immigration policies. To wit (with little wit):

[T]he fact remains that this man was not supposed to be here.

We can debate whether or not Reyes constant slide through the system was due to his status as an illegal until we are blue in the face. It all comes back to the fact that if we had our immigration system in order, this would not have happened.
Commenter Jon extends ACK's logic until it breaks apart under the weight of its own lack of insight:
The fact remains that this wouldn't have happened if his mother had aborted him.

The fact remains that this wouldn't have happened if we were still in alchohol prohibition.

The fact remains that this wouldn't have happened if no one had ever invented the automobile.

The fact remains that this wouldn't have happened if the Wilsons had gone somewhere else that day.

See how easy it is to blame poor enforcement of the *proper* law (the one against DUI) on issues that are tangential at best?
I could not possibly add anything better to that spanking.

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