
Monday, May 07, 2007

Morgan Park Renovations Continue

The renovations to the Morgan Park Community Center have been going on for a few weeks. After spending most of that time making indoor renovations, Metro crews are turning their attention to the external structure. Workers in the photo are repairing the roof of the historic house to which the more modern buildings are attached. I am told that protecting the architecture of this house is one of the reason why Historic Germantown wants to extend its proposed historical overlay to Morgan Park.


  1. Germantown Neighborhood Association has done a great job getting these renovations done. Having the park as part of their overlay will be wonderful for the long term betterment and preservation of Morgan Park.

  2. HGN is doing the renovations? I hadn't heard that. Do tell.

  3. Didn't HGN lobby the city for these renovations?

  4. When G-town leader Ernest Campbell approached Salemtown's neighborhood association for support with their plan for the park last year he told us that they were not happy with the Parks Department's proposed renovations. Accordingly, Parks was cool to the renovations they wanted. I've been keeping up with the renovation plans since 2005, and from what I've seen the renovations have been as internally motivated as externally so. I've talked with the highly dedicated MPCC Manager on several occasions; he told me that he has been trying to get these upgrades for a long time. I would think that he deserves some credit.
