
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Metro Council Passes Substitute 07-08 Budget

They voted 37-0 after a rather ugly floor debate on amendments that were all disapproved by the Budget and Finance Committee. Cuts to fund employee pay raises and libraries came from schools, parks, and the 311 call center.

UPDATE: Tonight the online Tennessean has a somewhat ominous response from the Parks Director:
There’s going to be suffering in other areas [besides new planned nature centers that were cut], and I hope the public understands.

UPDATE: The day-after Tennessean tells us that Member Jim Gotto's expected cuts recommendations to the Metro Arts Commission and Social Services were averted, but it does not give the details on why the conservative member either did not follow through or was defeated.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the council would have been more generous with the Parks' budget if Parks wasn't spending all their current $$ on overtime to get those nature centers completed before the lord mayor leaves office. How, exactly, does Roy Wilson justify working on Sunday to complete a nature center that won't be open on Sunday once it's completed?

    Bah - spend it wisely or lose it.
