
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ludye Wallace Breaks Another Promise to Hold a Community Meeting on Rezoning

At the end of his term and he's still salty. Oh, how Ludye's broken promises sound like a broken record in Salemtown.

Posted to the HistoricGermantown blog:
Ed Swinger, the owner of the property at the southwest corner of 7th and Taylor, is for the third time asking for a re-zoning from R6 to SP. His plan describes four single-family homes on .18 acre. At the Second Reading before the Metro Council last November, he and his sponsor, Ludyue Wallace, agreed to re-submit his plan to the Planning Commission for approval and to meet with the neighbors about the project.

To this date, he has not attempted to contact the neighborhood.

The hearing will be held Thursday, July 26 at 4p.m. at Metro Southeast Building 1417 Murfreesboro Pike in the Green Hills Conference Room.
If you can attend, please do.
If you cannot attend, will you please contact the Metro Planning Commission? or 862-7190.Planning commission meetings are listed on the Planning Commission agenda page.There, you can see the agenda [PDF] and the staff recommendations [PDF] for this meeting.
I understand that one of the reasons that Historic Germantown is working for an overlay is so that developers cannot collude with Council Members to end-around the neighborhood in such fashion, which ultimately forces neighbors to put their lives on hold last minute to exercise some influence over the planning process.

Ludye's only got one more week, folks. Keep stressing to the candidates that another Ludye is not what we need. And Salemtown: learn the lessons of the advantages that investors and developers enjoy in the planning process.

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