
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Greenway Access to Morgan Park Will Be Breaking Ground Soon

Hutchmo spills more details on Mayor Bill Purcell's disclosures to Salemtown walkers the other night, including the impending groundbreaking of North End's greenway extensions.

Below is a sketch of part of the approved greenway, which will eventually stretch from downtown to MetroCenter with a spur off of Morgan Park.

Award-winning Ashworth Environmental Design is working on the "Morgan Park Greenway Interpertation and Gardens" portion of the greenway extension.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty clear I'm NO journalist. I think he mentioned a possible timeframe for the breaking ground/walk-thru of the new Greenway connector, but I was in the 1st stage of heat stroke and still reeling from the news about Fehr.

    Thank God, I'm just a blogger.
