
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Just Move Past Questions of Blogger Influence on Elections

Before any hyper-analysis and hyperventilating over the question of the influence of bloggers on elections starts up tomorrow, I just have to say that I do not assume that my endorsements of candidates have any more impact on people than any other voter who talks to friends and co-workers about whom they vote for. If candidates do not already have a base of people that they have organized or if they lack maximum media saturation, then the "netroots" cannot contribute much. However, in a close race, having bloggers in one's corner certainly doesn't hurt a candidate. It is one more medium among many.

However, it was gratifying to read of David Briley's post-consession comment to the Tennessean:
Briley also thanked the local bloggers, who he said supported him more than the mainstream media.
I never had any delusions of grandeur of what I might do for the Briley Campaign, so his note of appreciation helps close tonight's results in my mind. Let's just put questions of influence to bed, which is exactly where I am now headed.

1 comment:

  1. I think you already know this but David Briley is a class act. He is a gracious winner and a gracious loser. He is still young by most political standards and I feel confident he will have the chance to lead Nashville in the future when his intelligence will come across more as wisdom and less cockiness. Thank you for your part, regardless of how little or large.
