
Friday, August 03, 2007

The Most Hypocritical Trash Talk of the Night Last Night

I believe that the people of Nashville want you to earn your way to victory, not buy it. And I say again, Nashville’s future is not for sale to the highest bidder.

- - Bob Clement, who raised more money (over $800,000) than any other candidate and who still has exponentially more money than his rival socked away (almost $550,000 on July 23) to spend on the run-off.


  1. ooOOOooo...a candidate who raised money from interested citizens. Nasty. SO much worse than someone pouring their own dough into a race, money that represents...uh...themselves.

  2. Bob Clement is attempting to buy this election with money gleaned largely from outside of Metro Nashville. Williamson County probably has more control over his campaign than we do.
