
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tennessee Democrat Jim Cooper Voted Against Health Insurance for Poor Kids

The Blue Dogs attempted to block a Democratic initiative in the U.S. House to provide health insurance to 5 million children of the working poor in this country by raising cigarette taxes. The bill did pass the House. Crone has the list of Disagreeable Dogs, which includes Middle Tennessee's own Jim Cooper.

I know that Mr. Cooper is well regarded by progressives as well as by conservatives around here, but I am bound to ask, "Is no supporter of Mr. Cooper here in Middle Tennessee going to step up to ask our elected representative to be a better advocate for children of the working poor?"

UPDATE from the Texas Observer on the fact that opponents of expanding health insurance to children overlook the overwhelming number of uninsured children under the current system:
Recent federal studies estimate about seven million uninsured children nationwide ....

Federal studies estimate that five million uninsured kids are eligible for some form of government assistance. Basically, we could cover most of our uninsured children if we simply got our act together ....

That’s reason enough for expanding CHIP. The Senate plan would cover an added three million children — setting them on the path for a healthier life.

UPDATE: Tamara Shepherd conveys news that both the National PTA and the League of Women Voters strongly support expanded insurance coverage for poor children.

1 comment:

  1. And I wonder why the paper did not make a bigger deal about this? I am furious--and I know Jim personally. I will be writing a letter to him today.
