
Monday, September 10, 2007

Fred Thompson Gave Legal Counsel for Libyan Terrorists, Says NY Times

Story comes via TPM.


  1. This merits the same response as Karl Dean provides to Clements claims he represented the worst of the worst. Who do you think doesn't deserve counsel?

  2. More than anything else I think it makes conservatives out to be hypocritical on certain issues involving terrorism, but one could distinguish the two by pointing out that Dean was a professional Public Defender vested with the express responsibility of defending the accused in the absence of money. Thompson's reasons seemed to be that he was helping out a firm colleague win, and thus make more money.

  3. Both Dean and Thompson are lawyers who make a living from their profession. Neither have anything to apologize for.

  4. As I said before playing along with the comparison, the main point is to skewer conservative hypocrisy on terrorism.

    If the same information was brought to light about a Democrat, especially a liberal Dem, conservatives would be spinning this negative like a top.

    I didn't even spin it in the original post. I merely provided links because I knew it would cause some defensive comments, which afforded me the opportunity to underscore the double standard.

  5. You failed to raise any double standard by conservatives that I can find. The only one who seems to be making an issue of this is you. The only one who made on issue of Karl Dean's record was Clement who is also a Dem.

  6. Actually, there were several others at TPM and the NY Times that were making more of an issue of this than me, but thanks for trying to minimize my links.

    Any other thoughts? Maybe about the failures of Neighborhood Night Out Events to prevent crime?

  7. Actually that is a good example. Yellow ribbons were an empty gesture yet walking the streets passing out glow necklaces (which in the end has had no affect on lowering the crime rate in Salemtown) was somehow substantive.

    The only consistency we can count on in Enclave is Conservative/Republican=Bad, Liberal/Progressive=Good

  8. If passing out glow necklaces to neighborhood kids were the only thing done during the crime walk, then you might be right.

    But it is obvious that you did not participate during any of the 3 annual events that we've done, because you seem to know so little of the things you criticize. And you don't seem to so creative as to offer suggestions for neighborhoods for fighting crimes, so your feedback on this issue is worth about the cost of commenting here.

    The walks have provided a way for neighbors to expand our watch and invite more people to join us. Maybe you would just have us stay in our homes and pull the covers over our heads in response to crime or perhaps copy you and hide behind a cloak of anonymity.
