
Thursday, October 11, 2007

But Who is Going to Watchdog the Metro Council's Non-Profit Patronage?

Today's NashPo has an article behind their firewall (subscription required for reading) on a local website that will eventually provide public information on local non-profits for the benefit of donors and Metro Council (who may approve grants to those non-profits). I would think that's new tool should be used to scrutinize and evaluate the the Council's and the Mayor's decisions to fund certain non-profits, too.


  1. I haven't read the article because I don't subscribe, but Giving Matters has already been up and running for a couple of years, at least for local donors (particularly foundations). So I'm assuming that Metro Councilmembers will now have access b/c they've partnered with the Community Foundation -- correct me if I'm wrong.

    FYI, the restricted information available on GM to donors -- which currently differs from the info publicly available -- is comprehensive and includes everything from the current and past operating budgets of nonprofits to bios of senior staff to copies of annual audits to strategic plans.

    Is GM planning to make all of this information publicly available on their website? It seems like it should be, if nonprofits are receiving public funds.

  2. My impression from the article was that the info is going to become publicly available.
