
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Done in Record Time

In a departure from the standards of the past, Metro Council only lasted 40 minutes tonight. But before we leap to the conclusion that a new Vice Mayor is already paying dividends, keep in mind: 1) it's early and we have a lot of new members; 2) there was nothing really controversial or divisive that required long debates or stalling tactics or diversions from the matters at hand.

Diane Neighbors really faced no challenges compared to some of these hell-holes that the Council dug for Howard Gentry. She deftly deflected Vivian Wilhoite's question about why some school grants were given to urban rather than suburban schools by ruling that Ms. Wilhoite should have asked it in the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting. But VM Neighbors had to face no stern tests tonight. It seems she is still in her honeymoon.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    Just a quick note (since linkbacks aren't working) that this post relates to something I wrote earlier at NiT, so I posted a response there.
