
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Council Member Rip Ryman Challenged by Constituent During Public Hearing

A number of property owners and residents showed up to tonight's Council Public Hearing to speak against a bill that ostensibly would allow an assisted living facility on Old Dickerson Pike if the funding is in place. If it is not in place the zoning could reportedly allow duplexes and multi-family dwellings that opponents argued are out of character for their neighborhood.

The last opponent to be heard said that she went to Mr. Ryman's house on Halloween night in order to speak with him about the zoning change. She also said that Mr. Ryman told her that night that if one person opposed the bill he would not move for approval. She then turned to Mr. Ryman and asked, "Please keep your word."

Mr. Ryman then moved for approval with the explanation that no one has shown up to previous community meetings to oppose the bill and that another community meeting would be held on November 16. Council voted to approve on second reading.

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