
Saturday, November 10, 2007

In the Gutters

It's fall, which means that it is officially gutter cleaning time, which means I have to get out my 30-foot ladder to propel my body up to a high pitched roof in order to protect my home and foundation from damaging rainwater overspills, which means I have to risk falling, being crushed by the ladder, and related major injuries.

Or I'm thinking this year that I should call one of those bonded and insured window-washing outfits that also cleans out gutters.

Or maybe I should just wash the windows myself and get one of these for the gutters. I wonder if they work as well as iRobot claims.

Feedback (other than, "Real men risk a body cast in order slay leaf clogs.") if you please.

1 comment:

  1. It's a toss up between doing it yourself and hiring someone. There's a lot to be said for getting up and there and inspecting your roof and gutters and the general well being of your home. But if you are going to go to that trouble and danger, you might as well put screen over your gutters so it's not so bad next year. Or just hire someone to do that if you have the bucks. Or heck, prune the offending trees and that way you won't have squirrels all over your roof either.
