
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Salemtown Now Has Approved Signage on Which to Spend Block Grant Money

The Salemtown Advisory Group for the neighborhood block grant chose and approved the design concept pictured below for its distinctive neighborhood and street ID signs at tonight's meeting.

Both signs include the distinctive cotton boll topper, which signifies Salemtown's history as a community of workers in the nearby Werthan Cotton Mill. The neighborhood ID signs take a vertical orientation because practically the neighborhood has little room for wider signs. In response to requests to make the signs more visible, the architect is having the letters that spell "Salemtown Neighborhood"--routed from solid aluminum--painted yellow, which is in contrast to the rust-colored standard. The street ID signs will be bordered with the same yellow paint to compliment the neighborhood ID signs.

While I was partial to the unpainted original, I still enthusiastically support this design, and I think that it is both practical and attractive for Salemtown.

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