
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Germantown Working toward a Compromise and a New Target Date for Overlay

From Stacy Mosley, President of Historic Germantown, Inc.:
The hearing at the Planning Commission has been deferred until April. We have been working diligently to close the gap between the opponents and proponents and by doing so, have had to make changes to our Overlay document which take some time. We are happy with the progress and are hopeful that our review in April will come with little opposition. It’s been a collaborative effort and both sides have been working hard for this compromise which we believe has been reached. It's been a long process but we are really happy with the outcome.

Planning will have the 2-28 meeting information removed from the signs shortly and have put an announcement on their web page ( and their public information officer sent the info to several media outlets.
Looks like the best possible scenario, even though later than expected for G-town leaders.

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