
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Late Dusk Light on Early Cherry Blossoms

Our cherry tree is engulfed in these blossoms. We're hoping the hard freezes are done for the season, which would be better than the prospects this time last year.


  1. Mike, that's a *gorgeous* picture. Can I ask what sort of lens, shutter-speed, f-stop, etc.?

  2. It was a 70-300mm 1.4-5.6 Tele-macro (1:2) lens. I had it set on Macro (180mm), and I was lazy and I was losing light fast, so it was on auto focus and no tripod. The data screen on the photo has F4.5, ISO 125, and looks like a shutter speed of 320 (is that possible with that f-stop?).

    I really need to have the camera cleaned. I doused it in beer last fall at Oktoberfest, and I still haven't had it properly serviced.

    Thanks for the compliment.
