
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Police Chief Wrote Reassuring Letter to Concerned Midtown Resident about the Noise

The Metro Police seemed to express a different attitude in 1999 toward a Midtown noise complaint about The Bound'ry than they did in the e-mail I posted earlier this afternoon regarding a complaint by Adelicia residents about the bar's late night sub-woofing.

I obtained this copy of a letter written by former Chief of Police Emmett H. Turner to a resident living across the street from The Bound'ry; the letter promises action on any violation of the code on amplified music or other loud noise:

(Click on to enlarge)

While in the 2008 e-mail police also say they are going to follow up to enforce noise codes, it looks more like a rather weak attitude waffling between "well, I guess we have to do this" and "we just have not received complaints from the content neighborhood." Some research into past police records would have at least turned up Chief Turner's letter, which makes it clear that there have been past complaints. I'm tending to believe that there are other police records that have not been looked at that show calls with neighborhood complaints about the noise level in Midtown.

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