
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Downtown/North End Leadership Summit on the Morrow

According to the Salemtown list serv, Historic Germantown, Inc. president Stacy Moseley has asked for a meeting tomorrow morning with the association presidents from Salemtown, Hope Gardens, and the Urban Residents Association. No word yet on what it is about. However, this meeting comes on the heels of recent news reports on crime that quoted all of the presidents except for Stacy on the spiking crime rate in Downtown and in the North End. My bet is that the subjects will include crime, which would give HGI a great chance to stop the foot dragging and to announce that its executive committee is finally willing to support Salemtown's petition to request that the state bolster overnight security at Bicentennial Mall, which is the urban hub from which each of the neighborhoods radiate.

UPDATE: SNNA Prez says I would have lost that bet; the meeting is about school redistricting.

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