
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Lest It Become H-Two-No

Paige Clancey tells of a public meeting tonight in her community regarding H2O, an ambitious "new urbanism" plan for a mixed-use development on the river near Charlotte Pike and I-40. According to Paige:

the plan needs more work before it moves ahead, according to Wallace and Janice Lampley of the Charlotte Park Neighborhood Association.

"You can do the math and see that there is no way that this area and the roads could handle this type of dense development," the Lampleys wrote in an email to Metro officials.

A Nashville Charrette contributor drew a similar conclusion last November:

It is going to have tough access particularly if they do not purchase the funeral home which blocks the signalized intersection. They don't have a lot of options. As for the development itself, it would seem Seaside and the Pearl District are two different animals. I wonder which it will be.

However, a H20 proponent, who writes as if s/he is connected to the project, lobbied readers of the Charrette to turn out in force last week to support the development at a Planning Commission meeting.

Not surprisingly, the proponent had joined the Charrette the same day he wrote the invitation. That's bad form.

I'll be interested to see Paige's response to the public meeting. Will H20 consider public feedback or just try to convert neighbors to their concept?


  1. Thanks for mentioning this story. At the meeting last night, the developer said the funeral home property now is under contract, so H2O is hoping to use the traffic light at that intersection on Charlotte Pike as the new main entrance to the development.

    The developer's presentation explained objectives, concepts and reasons behind many of the details of the plan for H2O. I had to leave 45 minutes into the presentation, and at that time the developer still was speaking.

    I've asked someone else who attended the meeting for details on how it ended, and I'll update with anything newsworthy.

    Thanks again.

  2. As it is currently, trying to get onto Charlotte from the I-40 west off ramp is so much fun - the lights are not calibrated to enable a break in traffic flow, so you gotta wait, wait, and wait - or take the big leap and hope for the best. Adding more signaling there will only aggravate the situation.

    Oh, the development will be soo pleasant - basking in the electric glow of the Wally-Mart and Lowes metal halides. But hey, you can walk to Nick and Jim's! wow.
