
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

CM Gilmore Sponsors Bill Tonight for 7th & Garfield Development

Erica Gilmore is introducing the ordinance tonight to approve SP zoning for "Ardelia Park," a cluster of 5 identical single-family homes built across two properties at the corner of 7th Avenue, North and Garfield Street. A community meeting was sponsored by CM Gilmore in April; neighbors got to express support and criticism then, as they will when this bill comes up for public hearing at some as yet unknown date in the near future (most likely the Ardelia Park rezoning bill will pass on tonight's first reading as part of the undebated "consent agenda," as most bills do).

SP zoning is "Specific Plan" zoning, which "gives developers additional flexibility up front and gives Councilmembers and their constituents greater certainty as to the resulting project." However, it deserves mention that neighborhood feedback relies on the CM holding neighborhood meetings at their discretion (in the case of our previous CM, Ludye Wallace, the controversial Schoene Ansicht development SP at Hume and 6th went through with absolutely no community meetings). Neighbors must still stay on top of any news that they can dig up about alterations to the plan.

According to the bill, the property "shall be subject to the standards, regulations and requirements of the RS 3.75 zoning district" (medium density residential for single-family dwellings) on any factor not addressed by the SP zoning.

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