
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In Your Face, Metro Council Purcell-Haters

That's Harvard, Metro Council. Not the "Harvard of the South." There is no other.

And for all of your trashing of his name during this month's budget love-ins for our current Mayor, you cannot take away the fact that Bill Purcell is now a bigger deal than you are because of his new Institute of Politics appointment at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

I'll take Caroline Kennedy's judgment of Bill Purcell over any council member's:
Bill Purcell will be a wonderful leader for the IOP .... His extensive experience in elective office, his bipartisan governing style, and his commitment to public service as a way of life will inspire a new generation of students.

Congratulations, Bill Purcell. I didn't always agree with you, but I always felt that neighborhoods stood a better chance with you at the helm (and the last seven months have confirmed that). You deserved a better fate than you received from many of these council members, and I don't think you can have a much better fate public service-wise than teaching politics at Harvard University.

Living well should be the best form of revenge. May the local yokels eat your dust, and please kick up as much as you can.

UPDATE: Something we should have seen more prominently the past 7 months when the Purcellophobes were dragging his tenure through the mud: council member gives him his due, some proper respect.

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