
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Double Standard?

The Commissioners have been stopping opponents of May Town Place from addressing that development in their comments in support of the Bells Bend Design Plan.  The first MTP proponent in a green "May Town Place" shirt just got up and spoke in favor of the development design and was allowed by the chair to complete her comments.

UPDATE:  Second green shirted MTC supporter was gavelled down when he started talking appealing to the development.  I don't see how the MTC supporters can even speak in the hearing without making appeals to MTC.

BTW, I think it says volumes that the supporters of the Bells Bend Neighborhood Design Plan (opponent of MTC) are wearing Bells Bend t-shirts vs the MTC proponents MTC/Balance shirts.  It's kind of an ironic twist that the larger vision is Bells Bend, not the special interest of MTC.

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