
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

School Board Approves Controversial Rezoning

According to the NashPo blog, School Board Member Karen Johnson seemingly cast the deciding vote (5-4) to pass the rezoning plan that establishes post-desegregation-era neighborhood schools without any mechanism for preventing the resegregation of Nashville public schools.  It has also been criticized for concentrating urban gangs in inner city schools.  Ms. Johnson, who has been a prolific blogger since joining the school board has not yet posted on her reasons for voting as she did.

Meanwhile, PiTW's Jeff Woods contends that the School Board may have violated state sunshine laws by lining up the votes in private.

1 comment:

  1. Who is PITW Jeff Woods who CONTENDS that the School Board may have violated state sunshine laws? Conjecture, conjecture. Tell the opposing parites to give hard proof and maybe people will listen.

    Ms. Johnson clearly stated her reasons for her vote at the meeting on Tuesday nite. I heard her and applauded her courage and independence. I hope she will not continue to be demonized in this community because of it.

    The racially diverse task force appointed by the Mayor spent many long hours deliberating and finally compromising to come up with the best plan possible which gives students in the Pearl Cohn cluster choices - including allowing these children to attend a school close to home.

    A novel idea. What if leaders in north Nashville rallied their community to take pride in the schools in that area by getting churches involved, parents involved, Titans, Predators, community leaders, etc involved and resolve to make their schools safe and successful rather than causing dissention and disunity. I realize that memories of the Pearl cohn of the past are there for some, but we are not living in the past.

    Whether you agree with Ms. Johnson or not, I hope you'll at least respect her courage in standing up to opposition in her own community.
