
Thursday, July 03, 2008

School Cluster "Choice" = More Code for White Flight from North Nashville?

From the Sounds Great in Theory If We Had a Perfect World Department:
Mark North, the school board member who is chair of the task force, emphasized Wednesday the choice component of the plan. The plan eliminates noncontiguous zones — areas in which students are bused out of their neighborhoods into other areas to attend school — and creates choice zones instead. Under the proposed plan, for example, residents of some high-poverty neighborhoods near Metrocenter will no longer be transported out of their neighborhoods into the more affluent Hillwood cluster, unless families choose to do so.
But how is Mr. North's Task Force Plan going to prevent the resegregaton of the north and west school clusters?  Brown v. Board of Education showed that people have to be forced to do the right thing because in their identity groups and in majorities they are prone to choose the wrong thing.  How would Mr. North suggest that we guard against Pearl-Cohn and Hillwood/Hillsboro becoming separate, but equal clusters?


  1. "people have to be forced to do the right thing because in their identity groups and in majorities they are prone to choose the wrong thing"

    So who decides the "right" thing? You?

  2. In Brown v Board the Supreme Court decided the right thing.

  3. Yes, that students shouldnt be bussed away from their neighborhood schools because of their race. What ensued with bussing has proven to be a failed social experiment.

    What you support is either some sort of forced housing diversity or continued use of race as a determining factor in school population.

  4. Now I see why you prefer to remain anonymous.

  5. See what you like in your continued state of paranoia, but as always rather than address an argument you attack the messenger.
