
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Galactically Stupid Meddlers" Downtown Are the Ones Still Making All the Compromises on Amplified Noise

Noise ordinance sponsor Mike Jameson once again bows to the wishes of those who argue that tourists and bar-hoppers will only spend money where the amps ramp up highest.

As I pointed out last night, despite outrageous and overblown attempts to mischaracterize the idea of placing reasonable and widely practiced limits on the street-level battle of the karoke bars as some kind of intrusive Victorianism, a task force of Downtown residents and merchants have actually been pounding the pavement on 2nd Avenue and Broadway since 2006 studying this issue, making recommendations, and then compromising. The other side is the shrill one that seems to be defending the absolute right to jack up amplified music as loud as possible without actually breaking off the dial.

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