
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Just Out of Frame of the Stock Market Drama: Big Oil

Facing South has some sobering information that we shouldn't lose sight of:
After Republican candidate Sen. John McCain reversed his longtime opposition to expanded offshore drilling this summer, contributions from oil and gas interests gushed into his coffers, according to an analysis by the Public Campaign Action Fund.

And while Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama has accused McCain of being too cozy with Big Oil, he has also received substantial contributions from the industry. In fact, CRP found that while McCain has raised three times more money from the industry, Obama is the favored candidate of executives from several of the biggest companies, including ExxonMobil.
I was just mulling the possibility of making my first financial contribution to a presidential campaign, but looks like they're getting enough money from Big Oil. My contribution would be a protozoan drop in the water injection pump.

I still wonder how approving more offshore drilling would have prevented Nashville's gas crisis, which was due to storm disruptions in the land-based pipeline system and consumer overreaction.

1 comment:

  1. Go ahead and make the donation! The only way to dilute the influence of corporate money is for citizens to make their voices heard. Saying you won't give because the oil companies already give so much is like saying you won't vote because they already get enough votes anyway.
