
Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Volunteer Admits to Police that She Fabricated Assault Story of Black Obama Activist/Attacker

Wonkette and lots of other sources are broadcasting a Pittsburg TV station report today that a McCain campaign volunteer's charges that she was assaulted last night by an Obama activist in a "bad part of Pittsburg" are an elaborate hoax that included self-mutiliation.

Also, a Fox News VP declared the McCain/Palin campaign "over" if this proved to be a hoax, given the involvement of race-baiting by a representative of the campaign. Heck, both McCain and Palin even alled the fabricator without waiting to see whether the story played out as true first.

UPDATE: Josh Marshall weighs in as only he can:
To say this is a dark moment does not do justice to the deep awfulness of this stunt. It's the metaphoric pedal-to-the-medal for the sleazy sub-rosa campaign of racial fear-mongering that so far has failed to derail Obama's candidacy.

There are many questions to be asked about who pushed this story yesterday afternoon and last night. A lot of explaining.

UPDATE: CC's Mack believes that the fabricator was put up to the hoax by the campaign.

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