
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

English Only Opponents Start Website

The group's new website coordinates volunteers and takes contributions to fight against the English Only referendum (early voting starts Jan. 2). It also links to local faith leaders who are preaching and exhorting against English Only.

Their facebook page includes a link to register your commitment to go to the polls and vote against English Only.

UPDATE:  John Lamb maintains in the comments that the registration is not associated with Nashville for All of Us.  However, I did find the page linked to a facebook page called "Nashville For All of Us" run by someone named "Cynthia."

1 comment:

  1. The second Facebook link is not a "Nashville for All of Us" signup, but by all means people should sign up everywhere and anywhere they choose to oppose the English Only measure. The people working that Facebook link and the Nashville for All of Us group are all on the same side.

    To sign up with the Nashville for All of Us group, go to the "Sign Up" page at

    Same thing with the "Nashville for All of Us" Facebook group - unofficial but on the same side.
