
Friday, December 26, 2008

Mountain Activists Report That TVA Did Not Touch Base with All of Affected Sludge Victims

In a report reprinted on The Small Axe, a group called United Mountain Defense says that one Kingston neighborhood resident--living within a mile of the sludge spill--maintained that neither she nor her neighbors have been contacted by TVA, which has asserted that it has contacted all affected residents. Also, according to the group, the NY Times was in error in one story in which it claimed that environmental activists themselves were going around encouraging neighbors to boil their water. Finally, the group paddled into the affected area by boat and could not find evidence to substantiate TVA's claims of the presence of erosion and debris controls, Coast Guard, or live fish.

United Mountain Defense says that they are delivering water to neighborhoods and taking donations for disaster relief.

HT: Jillmz

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