
Monday, December 22, 2008

Seeing Things That Aren't There

Taxing Tennessee looks at the same Sunday Commercial Appeal article on Memphis' outmigration that Enclave does and sees taxes as the reason for outmigration in spite of the fact that not one Memphis refugee interviewed claimed that taxes were their reason for leaving, in spite of the fact that one of their favorite places to move was Nashville, where tax rates are not particularly low.

It's the same old anti-revenue mantra: leap to the conclusion that taxes cause outmigration, but fail to provide data to back up that assumption. Even the CA's references to the suburbs hemorrhaging Memphians to other metropoleis failed to keep TaxTN from insinuating a connection between city taxes and outmigrations (which happen for various reasons). One former Memphian told the CA she moved to Atlanta, which seems to have a significantly higher property tax rate than Memphis, because of the prospect of having more money!

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