
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ludye Wallace at MIT

I just discovered this op-ed by in the MIT newspaper The Tech by former Vanderbilt math professor and Green Party presidential congressional candidate, Jonathan Farley. Dr. Farley writes of the travails he faced in Nashville after taking on a Nathan Bedford Forrest statue and the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

One of the difficulties he relates to his MIT audience was getting help in 2002 from the president of the Nashville chapter of the NAACP, Ludye Wallace, who committed to write a letter of support to the Tennessean for Farley, but then begged out. That's the same Ludye Wallace who used to be the abysmal council member representing my district, 19.

The Tennessean article that blew back on Farley in 2002 was also posted at a few weeks ago with embedded editorial comments by the author.

1 comment:

  1. Ludye Wallace and MIT in the same sentence. definitely a "made me look" moment!
