The new site is built on a social networking platform that allows users to not only friend each other, but also other party organizations and groups throughout the state.
Other improvements over the previous site is the ability to access just about anything and everything a user might want in relation to the state, or their county’s party organization.
This represents a quantum leap over previous efforts, and puts in place one of the campaign promises of the new Chair.
While a new site may or may not be “the” thing to turn the state blue, it represents a new tool for candidates and county parties to use in their efforts to better organize and inform their constituents, and that’s what grassroots organizing is about, making as many tools as possible available to as many people as possible.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
TNDEM Makes Progress on Social Neworking Platform
Steve Ross on the Tennessee Democratic Party's new interactive website:
Thanks for the mention!