
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Metro Council Passes Charlie Tygard's LED Bill on First Reading

It was passed on the consent agenda with no debate. Neighborhoods just moved closer to having commercial style LED billboards erected in their midst. There is one crucial council vote standing between light emitting diode billboards and neighborhoods that which occurs at second reading after the public hearing. That's how close we are to neighborhood-based LEDs. The third reading council vote is typically a gimme.

Jason Holleman's first-strike attempt to regulate LEDs in neighborhoods also passed on the consent agenda.

CORRECTION: Thanks to LED Task Force Member Burkley Allen for the sending me the following message:
Jason Holleman's bill is actually about LED signs in commercial areas, not residential. the current ordinance allows LED signs on commercial property as long as the sign is more than 100 feet from any residential property. Jason's bill relates the height of the sign to its proximity to the nearest residential property since mounting it on a tall pole makes it very visible even at 100 feet. It is a good addition to the current bill.

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