
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Morgan Park Update

Assistant Director of Parks Curt Garrigan met with Salemtown Neighbors last night to discuss the delayed progress of the Morgan Park playground and planned fountain. Mr. Garrigan apologized for the years of delays to the playground and when asked for reasons said that they had to do with rising construction costs and searches for contractors.

He told the group that the tiered walls of the park do not permit the same placement of the new playground as the old because of ADA requirements. The new playground will be placed closer to the community center.

Mr. Garrigan told us that both the playground and the fountain (which is supposed to be a replica of that which was installed early in the 20th Century drawing water from the Werthan factory's sulphur spring) would be finished by Nashville Oktoberfest. Representatives from Nashville's sister city in Germany will be present for the dedication of the new fountain.

I guess we will see if this is just another bullet in the long timeline of promises on Morgan Park renovations. In a related note, yesterday I wrote that I had not received a response to my e-mailed queries about Morgan Park from the Mayor's Office of Neighborhoods. Shortly afterward, MOON e-mailed me to say that they had received the e-mail and their response was to forward it to Metro Parks.

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